Most Frequently asked Java Streams coding answers - Part 2 - Object

Most Frequently asked Java Streams coding answers - Part 2 - Object

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Note: Please give me credits before re sharing this article. You can mention my LinkedIn profile Shiva Prasad Gurram

In my last article I provided answers for Input - 1 questions, In this article I'm going to provide answers for Input - 2 questions. You can find questions list at below link.

Questions: Most Frequently asked Java Streams coding questions - Part 1

Input - 2

Given an Employee class which consists below properties. There may be one or more employees who works for a single organization but in different departments.

Employee Class

public class Employee {

    private int emp_id;
    private String emp_name;
    private int emp_age;
    private String emp_gender;
    private String emp_dept;
    private int emp_doj;
    private double emp_salary;

    public Employee(int emp_id, String emp_name, int emp_age, String emp_gender, 
    String emp_dept, int emp_doj, double emp_salary) {
        this.emp_id = emp_id;
        this.emp_name = emp_name;
        this.emp_age = emp_age;
        this.emp_gender = emp_gender;
        this.emp_dept = emp_dept;
        this.emp_doj = emp_doj;
        this.emp_salary = emp_salary;

    public int getEmp_id() {
        return emp_id;

    public String getEmp_name() {
        return emp_name;

    public int getEmp_age() {
        return emp_age;

    public String getEmp_gender() {
        return emp_gender;

    public String getEmp_dept() {
        return emp_dept;

    public int getEmp_doj() {
        return emp_doj;

    public double getEmp_salary() {
        return emp_salary;

    public String toString() {
        return "Employee{" +
                "emp_id=" + emp_id +
                ", emp_name='" + emp_name + '\'' +
                ", emp_age=" + emp_age +
                ", emp_gender='" + emp_gender + '\'' +
                ", emp_dept='" + emp_dept + '\'' +
                ", emp_doj=" + emp_doj +
                ", emp_salary=" + emp_salary +

Main Class

public class StreamsQuestionsAnswers2 {

    static List<Employee> employeeList = new ArrayList<Employee>();

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        employeeList.add(new Employee(111, "Jiya Brein", 32, "Female", "HR", 2011, 25000.0));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(122, "Paul Niksui", 25, "Male", "Sales And Marketing", 2015, 13500.0));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(133, "Martin Theron", 29, "Male", "Infrastructure", 2012, 18000.0));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(144, "Murali Gowda", 28, "Male", "Product Development", 2014, 32500.0));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(155, "Nima Roy", 27, "Female", "HR", 2013, 22700.0));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(166, "Iqbal Hussain", 43, "Male", "Security And Transport", 2016, 10500.0));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(177, "Manu Sharma", 35, "Male", "Account And Finance", 2010, 27000.0));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(188, "Wang Liu", 31, "Male", "Product Development", 2015, 34500.0));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(199, "Amelia Zoe", 24, "Female", "Sales And Marketing", 2016, 11500.0));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(200, "Jaden Dough", 38, "Male", "Security And Transport", 2015, 11000.5));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(211, "Jasna Kaur", 27, "Female", "Infrastructure", 2014, 15700.0));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(222, "Nitin Joshi", 25, "Male", "Product Development", 2016, 28200.0));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(233, "Jyothi Reddy", 27, "Female", "Account And Finance", 2013, 21300.0));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(244, "Nicolus Den", 24, "Male", "Sales And Marketing", 2017, 10700.5));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(255, "Ali Baig", 23, "Male", "Infrastructure", 2018, 12700.0));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(266, "Sanvi Pandey", 26, "Female", "Product Development", 2015, 28900.0));
        employeeList.add(new Employee(277, "Anuj Chettiar", 31, "Male", "Product Development", 2012, 35700.0));



1) How many male and female employees are there in the organization?

Approach: We can use Collectors.groupingBy to group the employees based upon their gender.

Map<String, Long> noOfFemaleAndMaleEmployees =,Collectors.counting()));
System.out.println("No.of Females and Males: "+noOfFemaleAndMaleEmployees);


No.of Females and Males: {Male=11, Female=6}

2) Print the name of all departments in the organization.

Approach: We can use map() to get only department names. I'm going to use Set because I want to display only unique department names.

Set<String> departmentNames = -> emp.getEmp_dept()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
System.out.println("Department Names: "+departmentNames);


Department Names: [Product Development, Sales And Marketing, Security And Transport, Infrastructure, HR, Account And Finance]

3) What is the average age of male and female employees?

Approach: We can use Collectors.groupingBy and Collectors.averagingInt to get average based on genders.

Map<String, Double> avgAgeOfFemaleAndMaleEmployees =,Collectors.averagingInt(Employee::getEmp_age)));
System.out.println("Average age of male and female employees: "+avgAgeOfFemaleAndMaleEmployees);


Average age of male and female employees: {Male=30.181818181818183, Female=27.166666666666668}

4) Get the details of highest paid employee in the organization

Approach: We can use Collectors.maxBy and Comparator.comparingDouble to compare the salaries and get max.

Optional<Employee> highestPaidEmployee =;
System.out.println("Highest paid employee: " +highestPaidEmployee);


Highest paid employee: Optional[Employee{emp_id=277, emp_name='Anuj Chettiar', emp_age=31, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Product Development', emp_doj=2012, emp_salary=35700.0}]

5) Get the names of all employees who have joined after 2015

Approach: We can use filter() and map() to filter the employees based on their DOJ and get only names.

List<String> whoJoinedAfter2015 = -> emp.getEmp_doj()>2015).map(Employee::getEmp_name).collect(Collectors.toList());
System.out.println("Employees who joined after 2015: " + whoJoinedAfter2015);


Employees who joined after 2015: [Iqbal Hussain, Amelia Zoe, Nitin Joshi, Nicolus Den, Ali Baig]

6) Count the number of employees in each department

Approach: We can use Collectors.groupingBy and Collectors.counting to group employees based on department and count.

Map<String, Long> noOfEmployeesInEachDepartment =,Collectors.counting()));
System.out.println("Employees in each department: "+ noOfEmployeesInEachDepartment);


Employees in each department: {Product Development=5, Security And Transport=2, Sales And Marketing=3, Infrastructure=3, HR=2, Account And Finance=2}

7) What is the average salary of each department?

Approach: We can use Collectors.groupingBy and Collectors.averagingDouble to group employees by their department and get average.

Map<String, Double> avgSalaryOfEachDepartment =,Collectors.averagingDouble(Employee::getEmp_salary)));
System.out.println("Average salary of each department: "+ avgSalaryOfEachDepartment);


Average salary of each department: {Product Development=31960.0, Security And Transport=10750.25, Sales And Marketing=11900.166666666666, Infrastructure=15466.666666666666, HR=23850.0, Account And Finance=24150.0}

8) Who has the most working experience in the organization?

Approach: We can do this in 2 ways

  • Using min()

  • Using sorted()


Optional<Employee> mostWorkingExperience =;
System.out.println("Most working experience: "+mostWorkingExperience);


Most working experience: Optional[Employee{emp_id=177, emp_name='Manu Sharma', emp_age=35, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Account And Finance', emp_doj=2010, emp_salary=27000.0}]


Optional<Employee> mostWorkingExperience2 =;
System.out.println("Most working experience: "+mostWorkingExperience2);


Most working experience: Optional[Employee{emp_id=177, emp_name='Manu Sharma', emp_age=35, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Account And Finance', emp_doj=2010, emp_salary=27000.0}]

9) Get the details of youngest male employee in the each department.

Approach: Here we need to do 3 things

  • filter the employees based on gender(male)
  • group them based on department(groupingBy method) on filtered data
  • use maxBy to compare their DOJ.
Map<String, Optional<Employee>> youngestEmployeesInEachDept =>e.getEmp_gender()=="Male").collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Employee::getEmp_dept,Collectors.maxBy(Comparator.comparingInt(Employee::getEmp_doj))));
System.out.println("Youngest employee in each department: "+ youngestEmployeesInEachDept);


Youngest employee in each department: {Product Development=Optional[Employee{emp_id=222, emp_name='Nitin Joshi', emp_age=25, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Product Development', emp_doj=2016, emp_salary=28200.0}], Security And Transport=Optional[Employee{emp_id=166, emp_name='Iqbal Hussain', emp_age=43, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Security And Transport', emp_doj=2016, emp_salary=10500.0}], Sales And Marketing=Optional[Employee{emp_id=244, emp_name='Nicolus Den', emp_age=24, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Sales And Marketing', emp_doj=2017, emp_salary=10700.5}], Infrastructure=Optional[Employee{emp_id=255, emp_name='Ali Baig', emp_age=23, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Infrastructure', emp_doj=2018, emp_salary=12700.0}], Account And Finance=Optional[Employee{emp_id=177, emp_name='Manu Sharma', emp_age=35, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Account And Finance', emp_doj=2010, emp_salary=27000.0}]}

10) What is the average salary and total salary of the whole organization?

Approach: We can use DoubleSummaryStatistics class to get complete statistics of employees based on their salary.

DoubleSummaryStatistics employeesTotalandAvgSalary =;
System.out.println("Average Salary of organization:  " + employeesTotalandAvgSalary.getAverage());
System.out.println("Total Salary of organization:  "+employeesTotalandAvgSalary.getSum());


Average Salary of organization:  21141.235294117647
Total Salary of organization:  359401.0

11) Separate the employees who are younger or equal to 25 years from those employees who are older than 25 years

Approach: We can use Collectors.partitioningBy to partition a collection based on a condition.

Map<Boolean, List<Employee>> partitionByAge =>e.getEmp_age() > 25));
System.out.println("Partitioned employees: "+partitionByAge);


Partitioned employees: {false=[Employee{emp_id=122, emp_name='Paul Niksui', emp_age=25, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Sales And Marketing', emp_doj=2015, emp_salary=13500.0}, Employee{emp_id=199, emp_name='Amelia Zoe', emp_age=24, emp_gender='Female', emp_dept='Sales And Marketing', emp_doj=2016, emp_salary=11500.0}, Employee{emp_id=222, emp_name='Nitin Joshi', emp_age=25, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Product Development', emp_doj=2016, emp_salary=28200.0}, Employee{emp_id=244, emp_name='Nicolus Den', emp_age=24, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Sales And Marketing', emp_doj=2017, emp_salary=10700.5}, Employee{emp_id=255, emp_name='Ali Baig', emp_age=23, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Infrastructure', emp_doj=2018, emp_salary=12700.0}], true=[Employee{emp_id=111, emp_name='Jiya Brein', emp_age=32, emp_gender='Female', emp_dept='HR', emp_doj=2011, emp_salary=25000.0}, Employee{emp_id=133, emp_name='Martin Theron', emp_age=29, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Infrastructure', emp_doj=2012, emp_salary=18000.0}, Employee{emp_id=144, emp_name='Murali Gowda', emp_age=28, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Product Development', emp_doj=2014, emp_salary=32500.0}, Employee{emp_id=155, emp_name='Nima Roy', emp_age=27, emp_gender='Female', emp_dept='HR', emp_doj=2013, emp_salary=22700.0}, Employee{emp_id=166, emp_name='Iqbal Hussain', emp_age=43, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Security And Transport', emp_doj=2016, emp_salary=10500.0}, Employee{emp_id=177, emp_name='Manu Sharma', emp_age=35, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Account And Finance', emp_doj=2010, emp_salary=27000.0}, Employee{emp_id=188, emp_name='Wang Liu', emp_age=31, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Product Development', emp_doj=2015, emp_salary=34500.0}, Employee{emp_id=200, emp_name='Jaden Dough', emp_age=38, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Security And Transport', emp_doj=2015, emp_salary=11000.5}, Employee{emp_id=211, emp_name='Jasna Kaur', emp_age=27, emp_gender='Female', emp_dept='Infrastructure', emp_doj=2014, emp_salary=15700.0}, Employee{emp_id=233, emp_name='Jyothi Reddy', emp_age=27, emp_gender='Female', emp_dept='Account And Finance', emp_doj=2013, emp_salary=21300.0}, Employee{emp_id=266, emp_name='Sanvi Pandey', emp_age=26, emp_gender='Female', emp_dept='Product Development', emp_doj=2015, emp_salary=28900.0}, Employee{emp_id=277, emp_name='Anuj Chettiar', emp_age=31, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Product Development', emp_doj=2012, emp_salary=35700.0}]}

12) Who is the oldest employee in the organization? What is his age and which department he belongs to?

Approach: We can use max to get oldest employee details.

Optional<Employee> oldestEmployee =;
System.out.println("Oldest employee in organization: "+ oldestEmployee.get().getEmp_name() +"  "+oldestEmployee.get().getEmp_age()+"  "+oldestEmployee.get().getEmp_dept());


Oldest employee in organization: Iqbal Hussain  43  Security And Transport

13) Find the second highest salary employee details

Approach: We can use sorted to sort in DESC order and use skip() to skip first employee, So that we can get second.

Optional<Employee> secondHighestSalaryEmployee =;
System.out.println("Second Highest Salary Employee: "+secondHighestSalaryEmployee.get());


Second Highest Salary Employee: Employee{emp_id=188, emp_name='Wang Liu', emp_age=31, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Product Development', emp_doj=2015, emp_salary=34500.0}

14) Get the maximum salary of an employee from each department

Approach: We can use Collectors.groupingBy and Collectors.maxBy to group them and get max.

 Map<String, Optional<Employee>> departmentWiseMaxSalary =,Collectors.maxBy(Comparator.comparingDouble(Employee::getEmp_salary))));
System.out.println("maximum salary of an employee from each department: "+departmentWiseMaxSalary);


maximum salary of an employee from each department: {Product Development=Optional[Employee{emp_id=277, emp_name='Anuj Chettiar', emp_age=31, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Product Development', emp_doj=2012, emp_salary=35700.0}], Security And Transport=Optional[Employee{emp_id=200, emp_name='Jaden Dough', emp_age=38, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Security And Transport', emp_doj=2015, emp_salary=11000.5}], Sales And Marketing=Optional[Employee{emp_id=122, emp_name='Paul Niksui', emp_age=25, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Sales And Marketing', emp_doj=2015, emp_salary=13500.0}], Infrastructure=Optional[Employee{emp_id=133, emp_name='Martin Theron', emp_age=29, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Infrastructure', emp_doj=2012, emp_salary=18000.0}], HR=Optional[Employee{emp_id=111, emp_name='Jiya Brein', emp_age=32, emp_gender='Female', emp_dept='HR', emp_doj=2011, emp_salary=25000.0}], Account And Finance=Optional[Employee{emp_id=177, emp_name='Manu Sharma', emp_age=35, emp_gender='Male', emp_dept='Account And Finance', emp_doj=2010, emp_salary=27000.0}]}

15) Get the employees count working in each department

Approach: We can use Collectors.groupingBy and Collectors.counting to group employees based on department and count.

Map<String, Long> noOfEmployeesInEachDepartment =,Collectors.counting()));
System.out.println("Employees in each department: "+ noOfEmployeesInEachDepartment);


Employees in each department: {Product Development=5, Security And Transport=2, Sales And Marketing=3, Infrastructure=3, HR=2, Account And Finance=2}

That's all about this article :)

Answers for input - 1 questions

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Thanks for reading :) Happy Coding :)